Preliminary Session for Women IGF 2024 in line with IGF Sri Lanka 2024 organized by Lanka School on Internet Governance (LKSIG) has held on August 10th, 2024.

The LKSIG has successfully conducted the first preliminary session for the IGF 2024, focusing on the crucial role women play in shaping and leading social media. This event, hosted by LKSIG, brought together a diverse group of experts and participants to explore the challenges and opportunities women face in the digital landscape.

The session featured a distinguished panel of speakers, including:

– Dr. Dilrukshi Gamage – Senior Lecturer at the University of Colombo School of Computing

– Ms. Umali Thilakarathna – Renowned artist and celebrity in Sri Lanka

– Mrs. Samantha de Soysa – Lawyer and policymaker

The preliminary session was organized by Mr. Kasun Wickramasuriya, Sri Lanka National IGF Coordinator and the discussion has skilfully moderated by Mr. Prishantha Welatanthrige from Women In Needs, an organization dedicated to supporting women in Sri Lanka. Ms. Sagarika Wickramasekera has rapporteured the session.

The panel discussion attracted over 35 participants, who engaged in thought-provoking conversations about the role of women in social media. The session was particularly enlightening, as many attendees raised questions about social media, internet policies, and related laws, indicating a gap in public awareness on these topics.

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