APSIG 2024
Date: 18th to 20th August 2024
Taiwan Local Host: Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
Venue : Room 307, Chieh-Chou Building, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
APSIG is part of a broader initiative to promote Internet governance education globally. In 2016 Professor Kilnam Chon, a pioneer in the region’s Internet development led the inception of this organization. Today, APSIG stands as a cornerstone in shaping the digital landscape of the Asia-Pacific region by annually convening an intensive training program on Internet Governance. With a curriculum designed to address emerging technological challenges, APSIG fosters a deeper understanding of internet governance principles. This focus on capacity building equips participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively address internet-related issues within their communities, making APSIG a crucial initiative in advancing digital literacy and governance in the region.

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